Just a quick note to let you all know that if you have not yet purchased your copy of
Your Daily Homemade Bread: Easy Stand Mixer Bread Recipes: Best Basics, today’s the day! (Or really should be!)

For a limited time over the next few days Daily Bread and its collection of 12+ basic KitchenAid mixer bread recipes will be featured as an Amazon Kindle Countdown Deal. That means that it will be available for seriously reduced prices, but that the price points will also be changing (incrementally raised to full price again over the next few days). It’s best to get in and buy early – the earlier the better for you.
It’s an opportunity that can’t (because of Amazon policy) come around again for at least 90 days, and maybe not at all…so get while the getting’s good, and please tell your friends so they can get in while it’s good, too!
Buy Your Daily Homemade Bread at the best price available today!
Click the link to see the book and details. While on Amazon, use the “Look Inside” feature for a complete Table of Contents listing the discussion topics and different recipes. When you do buy, your thoughtful review would be greatly appreciated, and makes a real difference to other searchers and buyers so they can find the stand mixer KitchenAid bread recipes they are looking for, too. (And who knows, like a couple of other readers, perhaps I’ll be asking you for your permission to use your review for other promotions!! …In fact, if you’d like to give me your permission ahead of time, please use the Contact Me page or email me and just let me know that you’re good with it, and which username you used so I can identify the review.)
Many THANKS and Happy Baking!!
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