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Your Daily Homemade Bread
Easy Stand Mixer Bread Recipes: Best Basics
Under $3.00 – Less than a loaf of bread – 13 recipes and bonus ways to use them!
I don’t buy bread anymore. I make all the bread we eat here. There are six of us, so that means I make homemade bread just about every day. That may sound like a lot but we really like good bread around here. I also think we tend to go through quite a bit just because it’s homemade, and it’s so good! (Please allow me to say so myself–I’m not trying to brag, but it’s homemade bread, and it’s hard for that not to be good π ).
I’ve been making all of our bread for a number of years now…probably at least three. I don’t really remember the last time I bought bread. Up until about six months ago I relied heavily on my bread machine. I hardly ever actually baked the bread in the machine. We all liked it so much more if it was baked in the oven and had that more traditional flavor. Most often I would use the “dough” setting on the machine, then take it out and let it rise, then bake it in the oven. It was pretty darn good stuff, but not exactly like Grandma made. That process did take quite a bit of time, too, and only made one loaf at a time. Most days I was doing it twice to have enough bread to feed the family. Still, it was so much better than bread from the store shelves, and I always knew its exact age and exactly what I did and didn’t put into it.
Then one day towards the end of the summer, right before school started and my busiest bread-baking time of the year commenced, my bread maker gave up on me. I had put it through its paces but still I had only had it a couple of years, so I was kind of on the fence about investing in a new one. Bread machines are quite handy, but expensive. I already owned a Kitchenaid mixer (a hand-me-down from my mother-in-law, bless her, which had lasted through years of her ownership, professional cake-making, and at least 10 years with me…I don’t even know how old it is!). I had made bread with it before, but never seemed to quite get the knack enough to make it a simplified, everyday process. My sister told me to forget the bread maker and just use the Kitchenaid like she did, but I didn’t want to give up the “set it and forget it” routine I’d developed with my bread machine and the dough cycle.
I figured what I really needed was a reliable stand mixer bread recipe that didn’t have too many steps and that could still be done in a relatively short amount of time, without a lot of floury kneading. Like I said, I was (am) making bread just about every day of the week, and I didn’t have time or patience for dealing with or cleaning a flour-dusted surface every day, for multiple kneading and rising steps, or for remembering far enough ahead of time to begin such a process.
To cut to the chase of the story, I played with some bread recipes but then finally figured out that what makes bread machine bread simple is the fast-acting yeast (sometimes called instant yeast, sometimes called rapid rise, and all the same thing as the bread machine yeast). Fast acting yeasts actually let you cut out an entire rising, punching, and kneading process. When I figured this out and combined the method for rapid-rise yeast with a good bread recipe I had, I came up with a real winner that is the absolute heart of our meals here at home.
What I ended up with was an excellent kitchen aid recipe for white bread (or stand mixer bread recipe if you don’t have the Kitchenaid brand–we’re not snobs here π that takes only a few minutes of active time to make, that is excellent for everything from toast to sandwiches to French toast and more, and that I can let my mixer whip up and knead for me while I cook supper or muddle through the dishes. Incidentally, it’s a versatile recipe that you should have no trouble cutting part whole grain, oats, or whole wheat flour into, too. And today, I share it here with you!
Best Easy Kitchenaid Bread Recipe
- 6½ Cups All-Purpose Flour
- 3 Tablespoons Sugar
- 1 Tablespoon Salt
- 3 Tablespoons Lard (can substitute shortening)
- 1½ Tablespoons Instant Yeast (Rapid Rise or Bread machine yeast may be substituted in equal amounts)
- 2½ Cups Very Warm Water (around 120F to allow the yeast to act)
- Place all dry ingredients and the lard in the KitchenAid mixer.
- Using the flat beater attachment, mix dry ingredients and lard through. Use the "stir" or lowest setting, for just 1 to 2 minutes until the dry mix looks uniform.
- With the mixer still running, pour in the water and mix just until dough is wet through, shaggy, and sticky--just 30 seconds to a minute.
- Stop, remove the flat beater, and place the dough hook onto your stand mixer.
- Set to speed 1 or 2 and let the mixer run, kneading the dough, for 6 to 8 minutes.
- After kneading, stop, remove the dough hook and let the dough rest in the Kitchenaid mixer bowl for 10 minutes.
- Grease 2 bread loaf pans. Shape dough into 2 loaves*, place in pans, and cover with a clean, damp towel. Let rise in a warm place until doubled/about an inch above the rim of the pan.
- Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes.
*I find this bread rises best and has the best texture if it is pressed out flat on a floured surface and then rolled up, starting with one short end, and then shaping the rolled ends to loaf shape. Now, I know I complained about daily flour messes, but I keep an old cookie sheet on hand dusted with a bit of flour just for quick things like this. I happen to stash it in an unused wood cook stove, but a long tupperware with a cover
or a covered jelly roll pan or something similar could easily accomplish the same thing and be stored with your pans or baking goods.
…And so long as you are flattening the dough, take one of the loaves and before rolling cover the flat surface with a good dose of cinnamon sugar (heavy on the cinnamon), then roll it up, pinch/shape the ends and Voila! You have a delicious cinnamon-swirl loaf for morning toast, too. Now that you have this easy stand mixer bread recipe, you, too can have fresh homemade bread your way, every day!
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I Made your bread recipe last OMG! It is exactly as you say-simple & easy-I did use King Arthur Unbleached flour & Crisco-But great results-Since my hubby blew the oven panel-I have to use my stove outside hooked up with a gas tank for the bar-b-que. so I let it rise in my little convection oven on warm. As it is uneven-one loaf rose more than the other-but no matter-A success! I also coated it with butter when it was done-YUM! Keep the recipes coming! You are Great!!!!!
Fantastic! So glad it was successful!! Thanks for reading and it’s been nice chatting with you π
Thank you for this recipe!! My family loves the taste and texture, and a much easier and quick process than many I have tried. The success rate has been 100% for me, compared to the 50% with other methods. I live in Michigan, and the winter months are cold and dry, which hinders the rising process. For some reason, your method has been fail proof! My husband enjoys whole wheat, so I found a recipe, which failed to rise. but when I used this method, it came out beautiful!!
Thank you, and many blessings for you and your family.
So glad to hear it, Jennifer! Thank you for your feedback!
I’ve had great success with this method and recipe, too, and living in New England I face the same wintertime challenges. I suspect that a lot has to do with the fast-acting yeast that kind of seems to take off on its own. Maybe it’s less dependent on humidity (which would make sense I guess since it doesn’t need to proof in liquid) or maybe it is because it is more active to begin with anyway. I don’t really know but this basic process works for me for many recipes. I can say, though, that sometimes in this really dry weather a tad extra liquid is a good idea, too.
I am actually working on a book right now that will be available for sale via Amazon with basic KitchenAid bread recipes, and it will include a honey wheat, whole wheat, rye, potato, oatmeal, and some others. Keep an eye out here for an announcement soon!
And – you’re welcome!
I will definitely look for your book! Keep us posted!
I surely will! π Thanks and enjoy!!
How long does it typically take the dough to rise?
Hi Sarah,
Rising time for all breads are highly variable, because so much depends on the atmosphere in your own kitchen. It also varies by season. You’ll find generally slower rising in dry, cool winter months because even with a warm home you get more variation in air temp and pockets of cooler air, and the humidity of the air makes a big difference, too. It is also said that the more you bake bread at home the faster, easier rise you will have (because you have more free wild yeasts in your air from previous prep and baking. So–it’s really kind of hard to nail it down and it can differ greatly from one location to another….you really will come to learn this over subsequent baking times.
All of that being said, if I had to pick a good median rising time I guess I would say 1 to 1 1/2 hours for this bread. If you have a nice warm spot without major drafts, it could be less time–more like 45 minutes sometimes. But then again, there will be days when it can be 2 hours or more (even atmospheric pressure and storminess can come into play!).
One thing you can try if you are having a tough time getting a reasonable rise is to proof (rise) the bread in your oven. Turn the oven on to warm (or lowest) setting and let it come to temp. At the same time, put a good, full kettle of water on to boil. Shut the oven off and put the bread on the top rack and a large (preferably shallow, for surface area) pan on the bottom. Pour the boiling water into the pan and shut the oven door. Don’t cover the bread when you proof it this way – the humidity in the oven will keep it moist enough and you won’t battle sticking covers. Check it after half an hour but it can take more towards 45 minutes or an hour to rise (better if you don’t have to open the door and lose the warmth and humidity.
I hope this helps and I wish I could give you a more solid answer, but bread just has a mind of its own sometimes!
I will also be watching for your cookbook. We cannot eat white bread in our house due to blood sugar issues. Love to bake my own bread because I know exactly what’s in it. Keep me in the loop.
Hello Lois!
The Kindle version of the bread cookbook (the “Basics”) is available now. You can find it here:
It will be available in paperback in the coming weeks, too.
There is a 100% whole wheat recipe in there that has NO white flour and some others with whole grains but that are part white flour. Can you do whole-grain white flour? Because if you can simply use that for any white flour measurements and you should get some excellent results. Also, replace the white sugar with honey if need be. There is a discussion in the opener to the book about sweetener substitution, too.
Thanks so much for your visit and your comment!!
wish you could get this on the NOOK as well as kindle
Thanks for the feedback – I’ll definitely take that under consideration. Due to an Amazon promo it couldn’t be done for a month or so for this book, but it is possible and it’s nice to know there is an interest. It will be available in paperback soon, too, though. Glad to hear from a Nook owner!
Kathy – it’s not yet on Nook, but there is now a paperback version of the book available through Amazon, FYI! Thanks again!
Just finished making this and OMG this is by far the tastiest bread I’ve ever made! So simple and pure deliciousness! Thank you so much for this! You are a saint!
YAY!! I love success stories! And people who take the time to offer feedback π
VERY glad you enjoyed it. There are more in the book as simple as this one that I like, too, but this is and always will be, I think, my favorite and my go-to bread. The Italian is probably a close second, though. Actually, it’s a pretty strong contender that gets lots of votes ’round here. A definite for spaghetti night!
I’m going to try your method today. Tried KA’s version from their cookbook last night and although tasty, it was dense in texture. What did I do?? Like you, I used a bread machine and took the dough out and placed in pans for years. I want to make our own bread daily now since my last “store bought” bread has sat in the breadbox for 10 days and hadn’t molded or deteriorated…..hmmmmmm……makes you wonder.
LOL That DOES make you wonder! Or maybe actually it doesn’t, unfortunately!
I’ve never made KA’s recipe, but I’ve had excellent success with this one and great feedback from others as well. If you are using a KitchenAid they say it is hard to over-knead it, but over-kneading is a reason for a tougher dough. Dense dough might be an issue of flour overload, too (I’ve found different results with different brands of flours, but most are pretty similar). Usually when I have a dense bread, though, it’s an issue of rising. If your yeast is a bit old that could be the culprit. I also have found quite a variation with different brands of yeast. I know a lot of people swear by SAF Instant Yeast, but that has been up and down for me. Fleischmann’s has proven to be mush more reliable, in my opinion. Their Rapid Rise brand and Bread Machine are the same as their Instant yeast, so use whatever is most readily available to you (since I make all of our own bread, I buy Fleischmann’s by the vac-packed 1-lb bricks and they last a really long time – best value, and I either get it at BJ’s or online through Amazon; it’s usually sold 2 1-lb bricks for 10-12$).
Good luck and please let me know how it goes!!
I love this recipe and cant wait to try it. Do you think you can use real butter instead of lard?
Absolutely! I do it all the time π
This recipe was fantastic!! I have a Kitchenaid mixer but have always been afraid to try bread. This recipe was so easy and now I make homemade bread weekly!!
YES!! SO glad it’s working for you!
The easiest and by far the best bread recipe I’ve tried. I used the all purpose flour but can’t wait to see the results with bread flour. Thanks for sharing!
The recipe says to bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes. We live in So. Cal and I have made this recipe 4 times. It always takes 45-60 minutes. Otherwise, it’s a great recipe.
Hope to get your book in the near future so I can try some of your other recipes.
That’s funny. I’ve never had it take anywhere near that long, except the times when the thermostat in my oven was on the fritz! All’s well that ends well, though, right? Happy Baking!
I’m replying to your 2-year-old comment! I just found this recipe, and am making it for the first time. Your comment inspired me to purchase an oven thermometer, just so I can make sure my oven is at the temperature it says it’s at!
That’s great! Feel free to come back and let us know what you find! I KNOW my oven tends to run low–because I use it so much, I wear out the thermostat and igniter every couple of years. They tell me people just don’t use their ovens that much. Shame on me for using my appliances!!
I’ve been checking your book again to find out what size loaf pan/s you use for your bread recipes. So far, I can’t see that you’ve mentioned it. I have both 8″ x 4″ and 9″ x 5″ pans. If your recipes are formulated for one particular size pan, could you please also include details on the changes to expect on proofing and baking times if a different size pan is used. Many thanks.
Hi Julie,
Either will work just fine. Expect a slightly lower rise if using the larger pan, but the dough will fill into the space and rise. When the dome of the loaf is about 1 inch over the pan lip. you’re ready.
Love, love, love your recipe and process! Beats using my bread machine by a mile.
So happy to hear it! I agree!! Thanks for the message!!
Wow! Thank you so much, the search is finally over, I’m deleting all my other bread recipes. I don’t have lard, so I used 1TB of butter and 2 TB of bacon grease and the bread turned out fantastic and dosent taste like bacon! My family of 8 thanks you!
Love it! Thanks for the feedback! And that’s a great idea with the grease and butter–bet it makes it just that much more savory! Me, I don’t get hung up on the fat too much since I pretty much always keep a favored healthy fat around…could be butter today, lard tomorrow…
I hope if you enjoyed this recipe you’ll check out my books for more easy stand mixer recipes–they’re pretty much all this simple!
Thanks again and ENJOY!!
Getting ready to make more of this delicious bread and felt I needed to than you first! I recently discovered I can’t handle the preservatives in most ready made foods to include bread. So I made this for Thanksgiving to make stuffing. When the dough was rolled out I coated 1 loaf with a blend of thyme, rosemary & sage. After it was baked I sliced and toasted the savory bread with olive oil and more of the spices to make croutons for the stuffing. This is my new go to for stuffing & salads! I had to keep chasing my grown brother out the croutons so there would be enough for the stuffing-would have used both loaves but I blended them with homemade cornbread croutons as well. The second loaf I used a blend of white sugar, brown sugar and cinnamon as a breakfast loaf – thank you so much for that suggestion! It was a hit. My family felt that I was spoiling them with all the homemade goodness rather than depriving them of the things I can’t eat.
I love this!! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!
I’ve long suspected that a lot of the more recent common issues with breads and other products are not necessarily the wheats, etc., but the preservatives that come with them. I by no means mean to discount people with allergies and dietary issues, but there has to be a reason for the more recent rises in what were previously unheard of intolerances. I have heard from a number of people that the cleaner homemade breads and baked goods without all the preservative junk and dyes is a much more livable solution for them. I’m really so glad this worked out for you! (And it just sounds incredibly delicious! I do something similar for my homemade stuffing, often baking bread for the sole purpose of making it! Haha!)
Since this has worked out for you, you might be interested in my books published on Amazon (if you haven’t seen them yet)–two Kitchenaid/stand mixer bread books, a new bread book that requires no mixer and has my favorite no-knead bread recipes, and a homemade preservative-free baking mix book. (You can find them all here: https://www.amazon.com/Mary-Ellen-Ward/e/B00H3OBVLI/)
Again, thanks for stopping by and commenting!
OMG! I love your stuffing bread idea. Will surely do this next time I roast a bird. Thanks so much for sharing.
So, I have more than a few bread recipes for white bread pinned. I just deleted them all but this one because I didnt want to accidentally make any of the others. The only change was that I used bread flour. I have PA Dutch Lard and used that. The crumb was absolutely devine. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! Tim from DC
I LOVE this!! Thanks so much!
I do agree with you 100% on the bread flour. It makes a beautiful bread with this and other recipes from my books. I base recipes on AP just to make them accessible to more people, but I do love a good bread flour and would certainly say it is a way to step up a good bread.
As for the lardβI whole heartedly believe in it and think itβs a shame its gotten such an unfair wrap. Few people understand how much better it can make baked goods.
Thanks for the comments and feedback! I appreciate y9our taking the time!